Embracing a New Mindset

Embracing a New Mindset | Webinar on Coaching Employees Through Organizational Disruption & Re-Entry


Joan discusses how “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Her goal in training is to take both leaders and employees to a better place full of innovative solutions. Joan Pastor provides tele-counseling and coaching around the world. If you are in a difficult situation she will diagnose what’s going on and make sure you get the exact help that is needed.

Establishing “In Blood” Behaviors

Establish “In Blood” Behaviors | Webinar on Coaching Employees Through Organizational Disruption & Re-Entry


Joan reveals an important aspect in leadership training by helping C-Suite executives target primary behaviors. Joan Pastor provides tele-counseling and coaching around the world. If you are in a difficult situation she will diagnose what’s going on and make sure you get the exact help that is needed.

Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive Innovation | Webinar on Coaching Employees Through Organizational Disruption & Re-Entry


In this segment Joan suggests that sometimes companies can be purposely disruptive to allow employees to think beyond their normal confines. Joan Pastor provides tele-counseling and coaching around the world. If you are in a difficult situation she will diagnose what’s going on and make sure you get the exact help that is needed.


Learning Agility

Learning Agility | Webinar on Coaching Employees Through Organizational Disruption & Re-Entry


In this segment Joan discusses how important it is for good leaders to understand how to assess people’s flexibility and openness to learning. Learning Agility is a critical component in dealing with change.

Joan Pastor provides tele-counseling and coaching around the world. If you are in a difficult situation she will diagnose what’s going on and make sure you get the exact help that is needed.

Expectations and Conflict

Expectations | Webinar on Coaching Employees Through Organizational Disruption & Re-Entry


In this segment Joan discusses the single greatest cause of conflict for people which all revolve around expectations. With a better understanding of these points you can manage your personal and business life with more control and success.

Joan Pastor provides tele-counseling and coaching around the world. If you are in a difficult situation she will diagnose what’s going on and make sure you get the exact help that is needed.

card expectations