Join the World of Business Coaching

Executive coaching is a very rewarding career that allows you to apply your own business expertise to others and watch them as they grow and succeed based on some of your guidance.
Chances are, you have business expertise that is unique, that you can pass along to others through professional coaching. Top earners make $100-200k depending on your background and skills. Coaches average $80,000 to $100,000. Many choose the career for the lifestyle freedom it provides.
Business owners to use executive coaches report many great results including:
-Increased Productivity
-Increased Profitability
-Better Organizational Teamwork
-Increased Job Satisfaction
If you’re considering coaching as a career then you can avoid common mistakes by taking this course.
Coaching and Courses Begin. February 2022
CLICK HERE to sign up. or call 310-892-0210
Master Coaching Personal Training -Level One-
Joan Pastor, PhD is offering a four-month, bi-weekly, 2-hour Zoom that will also include a one-hour up-front private meeting with Joan.
The focus is learning your own unique and outstanding approach to coaching that will help you stand out from all the others, and assist those you help to realize their goals, dreams, inner purpose and truths.
The class is limited to 5 people, so everyone has time for watching and practicing. There will be three core components creating the foundation of excellent coaching that will be taught and emphasized throughout the course. Often you will have homework, and we will start off each session with a short review.
All training is based in spiritual and reality-based coaching, and is designed to build or reinforce healthy neural pathways in the brain.

Your Return
1. One hour one-on-one with Joan
2. Biweekly meetings, concrete learning will be integrated throughout
A. Start off with learning a foundational concept for coaching
a. Accountability Cycle
b. Absolute Clarity of Vision
c. Intro to Assessment (ask what this means)
d. Basic coaching structure from which to ongoingly create your own (the power of feedback)
e. Universal principles (such as Be-Here-Now feedback) applied to coaching.
f. Coaching online vs face-to-face vs telephone
3. First two months, Joan will coach someone in the group. And discuss.
4. Last two months, Joan coaches a little and focus is on group coaching each other with JP and group feedback.
5. Distinguishing between coaching to create insight, coaching to build action plans and skills
6. How to measure success
7. As a coach you will learn how to help people move from surviving to thriving to mastery.
The Bottom Line
Your Investment
Program cost is $5400 with a deposit of 50% with the remaining billed monthly. (This will be the only time this class will be offered at this discounted rate.)
Are You Ready for Action
*Is the individual – are you – absolutely clear about their direction and taking action in that direction?
*If they are not taking action, how do they start taking action?
*If they are taking action, are the results they want showing up?
The Question Is?
Are YOU following and meeting the criteria of the bottom line?
Classes will be held from 1:00 – 3:00pm PST, every other Tuesday, beginning October 12th
Confirm your spot before the class is filled. Why wait?
Courses Begin in October 2021